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Creative Writing with Children: Tip of the Week

Due to popular demand I have decided to blog about different ideas for creative word play and ways of fostering imagination in your children. Some ideas you may have heard of before, others may be new, but hopefully you will give them a go and have lots of fun along the way.......

Split the story: Secret Writing

So....as a kid do you remember each drawing a different body part on a folded over bit of paper? You know....where Sam drew the head, Tommy drew the body, Sally drew the legs and you drew the feet. After each bit had been drawn, each person would fold over that bit of the paper so no-one could see, and then it would be passed on to the next person, and so on and so forth. This is an adaptation of this game. The results can be hilarious and bizarre.

STEP 1: Get a piece of paper

STEP 2: Pre-fold into sections, you can have as many as you like. It does need to be into at least 3 parts though, for beginning, middle and end.

STEP 3: The first person starts the story...."Once upon a time....there was a man named Fred" ...and then folds their bit over so the next person can't see.

STEP 4: The next person does the next line or section of the story...."he always went around on his head"... and again folds the bit of paper. Remember to use joining words. I.e. then, after, while etc to link the different parts together.

STEP 5: And the next person continues... Do this until everyone has had a go or a couple of goes depending on how many children you are doing it with.

STEP 6: Unfold the paper and read the story out loud. 

STEP 7: Once you have finished giggling, you could always work together to make into a story that makes a bit more sense....

ADAPTATIONS: If you are doing this game with a child or children who can't write, they can always whisper their idea to you and you write it down. Alternatively, you can work together on just making a bizarre story....see how funny and random you can make it.

"Once upon a time there was a man named Fred, he liked to jaunt about on his Head. One day he played a game of hide and seek, but people kept on finding him because of his feet. The search was over way too quickly, he felt so angry he felt all prickly. No -one thought to tell him that instead of hiding on his head he should have sat, so that was that."

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